The reports below are comprehensive guides to the natural communities within the City of Afton and Washington County. The information is intended to foster greater understanding and appreciation of the unique natural resources that define Afton.

The primary goal of these documents is to serve as a blueprint for effective natural resources management, preservation and restoration within the City of Afton.

Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) Ordinance revision proposal by MSVWMO
South Washington Watershed District DRAFT 2016 Watershed Management Plan
0. Assessment Methods
I. Introduction
II. Study Area Findings & Stewardship Strategies
III. The Landscape of Afton
IV. Inventory Methodology
V. Landscape Units 1-4
V. Landscape Units 15-12
V. Landscape Units 13-14
V. Landscape Units 15-16
V. Landscape Units 17-23
V. Landscape Units 24-30
VI. Management Issues
Appendix 1. Field Data Summary
Appendix 2. Invasive Species Fact Sheet
Appendix 3. Land Protection Options
Appendix 4. Glossary of Technical Terms
Appendix 5. References
WATER RESOURCES EVALUATION Washington Soil and Water Conservation District
0. Iintroduction
I. 1 Inventory Criteria
I. 2. Valley Creek Watershed
I. 3 & 4. Rest Area Pond & Fahlstrom Pond
I. 5 & 6. Lake Edith & Bailey Lake Subwatersheds
I. 7 & 8. Kelles Coulee & Swede Hill Subwatersheds
I. 9. Trout Brook Subwatershed
II. Appendix A
III. Tables 1-5
IV. Figures 1-3
IV. Figures 4-5